Be Careful with Carder and Scammer


Always check your security status anytime you deal with Online Payment Transactions

Don't believe someone with big mouth promises, Carder is cheater. Ruins of DarkWeb. Nothing else, Escrow is very closed to those criminals. Escrow is middle man between Criminal Buyer and Cheater Seller. Never better. Escrow can betray you and report you to local Authority as " Should be jailed Person ".

These are one of the real facts we get the point on their bad activities. We knew because we've been years at  Telegram Group we managed, This scammer and his "friends" have been decades made poor people became poorer and the rich loosing money. I didn't mention country names to avoid racism, don't judge by country name because it's global, even many times I got (scammer) phone calls with prefix +1 (US / CA country code).

What they offer is really ridiculous and made my stomachache even worse 😂. They said:

"Invest to me $300 and earn $3,000 in next 24 hours".

... Amateur, definitely have no more words to scam😂.

Okay, let's talk about Carder, Carder is totally newbies in internet technology, little bit lucky because he get leaked "suspicious offer" from darkweb, they don't know how to write code in many programming languages like Ruby, Python, JS and so on. They don't know how create App or Apk because their brain is not smart enough to be developer but they have Master Degree how to say b***sh*t.

They just found if their smartphone could do bla bla bla and could manipulate "Super Computer" owned by Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc and he meet more stupid internet user and he claims can order new iPhone for you only with $100 (maybe less) from Amazon. It's just pre order to Amazon from carder and he soon received pre order notifications to his email from Amazon but he told you if your new phone will be landed in front of your house not longer than you take a bath. 😂😂

You pay half of your "fake" purchase to that shameless carder and it's game over... Amazon cancelled that fake purchase and you loosing money.... Completely ugly.

Other stories will be given next chapter (If #coronavirus not visiting me) ✌💕.

Thank You 💚🤗

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